Thursday, December 15, 2005

Almost truffled out....


A couple of months ago, I hadn't even heard of a here I am making my own. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks....

Everyone keeps asking if I can keep them updated on the Chile Habitat Build so I thought a blog might be the best way to do it....I'm not sure how much access I'll have to the internet in Chile but I am hoping to post some pictures while I'm there...

Thanks again to all of you who are out there enjoying your truffles....your support for my fundraising has been amazing and I appreciate each and everyone one of you!

I'm into the home stretch of truffle making...And not a minute too soon as my sister is about to go on strike after packing up almost 5000 truffles... I haven't told her yet that I'm doing a limited edition of Valentines one..heehee



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