Thursday, January 05, 2006


Only 22 more sleeps until Chile....

I hope everyone had a Safe and Happy Holiday season....from the picture on the left, you can see how I spent my holidays. Good thing I was loving every minute of it.... What you don't see in the picture is my wonderful sister Danielle who was responsible for organizing and packing up over 400 dozen truffles....Her "strange" sense of humor is probably what got us through those many late, late nights....And just when Dan thought we were done, I've had quite a few requests for Valentine's Day Truffles....We'll see if blood is thicker then water...or at least chocolate....

Anyways....I have now become addicted to truffle making so unless I can come up with a new obsession, I will be forced to either buy a couple of extra fridges or take to the streets to give out truffles to the homeless....


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