Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Working in Chile

Arrived safely in Santiago and spent the first 28 Chile hours checking out the city...We went to a very touristy dinner place and then were escorted home by a gang of homeless dogs...(Ramona wasn´t kidding when she said there are more dogs here then people!)
On Sunday we flew to Temuco where we´re staying in a Baptist School for girls. The girls are very shy so we´ve only seen a couple of them so far. The accomodations are great and remind me a lot of my university days....

Our build is in Nuveo Imperial, a small town about 45 minutes from Temuco...The first two days of work have been great...my favourite part of any build is framing and our group has been assigned to that...the other groups are jealous as they are rotating through digging hole, mixing cement and getting covered in tar. (the tar is used to coat the joists...) We´re hoping to put all the walls up tomorrow....

Our team is such a great crew....and from the picture, you can see that we´re having a lot of fun together....We seem to be having a Canada - US rivalry....(and since all but two are sporting Canada pins...I´d say we´re winning....)

I´ll hopefully post more pictures soon....

Take care amigos



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