Thursday, February 02, 2006

Day 4 & 5

Day 4

Snuck off for a visit to a nearby Mapuche home today..... I thought Kristi was translating well for me until we were trying to figure out what they were building outside....and she said it was the rotissorie where they were going to cook the dog....

Day 4 was about putting in floors, putting up ceiling beams and digging the sewer system...(ugh) I didn´t actually dig the sewer hole but just jumped in the hole for the picture...hehe

Our fearless leader, Barbara looking after our health and safety..... and not enjoying it at all.....

I love to have partners in Crime....Mary was our ringleader for the water balloon fight.....

Day 5

Today we worked on floors, lugged rocks for the sewer system, started with the siding and put the trusses on the roof...

This one is for Denise in Mississauga....

End of Day 5.....

We have the weekend we´re heading to a museum tomorrow morning, to the mountains in the afternoon and to Villarica on Sunday.....

We only have three more work days left to finish the house....may have to stay longer in


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