Monday, February 06, 2006

Had a great weekend....went touring on Saturday...then off to Villarica the background is the Volcano that we are climbing on Friday....

Sunday night we made it back in time to head to a bar to watch the Superbowl....except the bar was closed.... so they opened it for us and we had the place to ourselves....But even our cheerleading couldn´t help the Seahawks!

Day 6 ....finishing the flooring, putting on the siding and working on the roof...not sure how it will all get done by Wednesday?

Lili and Kristi.....(still smiling after having to cut and recut that piece of wood three times...)

Michelle up on the roof....scary eh? (the eh is for all the Americans on our team who make fun of me everytime I say it....)

Although you can´t see too clearly in this picture.....We have nicknamed our Project Manager....Fabio...he has no idea who Fabio is ...

End of Day 6.....


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